Suddenly, everything slows to a crawl...
Time Warper is an Enemy from World of Horror.
Looking like an average businessman, the Time Warper tricks passerby with an aura of normality. However, as one gets closer to the Time Warper, massive time dilation start to occur. Suddenly, anyone near the entity would feel as if everything started to come to a crawl.
The Time Warper has major reality warping effects that feeds on the literal lifespan of its prey and, as a person goes nearer to the entity, his face starts to sweat and his features starts to blur. When fighting him, he automatically cancels your actions after 5th every Turn of combat.
Combat Lines[]
- "Time Warper steals some of your lifespan"
- "You feel older... and weaker!"
- "Time freezes, your action was cancelled." (if the player uses more than five actions)
- "Reality shifts, your action was cancelled." (if the player uses more than five actions)
Enemy-specific Tactics and Conditions[]
In the Spiritual Actions tab, a special action button is available called "Listen to the Ramblings". Performing this action costs 1 DOOM and either gives you two EXP, or a random Spell.