World of Horror Wiki
World of Horror Wiki

Do not confuse this in-mystery Location with the Home Screen available during Planning phase.

The player character's home is one of the Locations in World of Horror. The player can perform two actions from Home, they can either Rest or Prepare for Investigation by gathering personal items and Funds at the cost of Doom.


During an Investigation[]

This location cannot be investigated. The character can Rest here to regain Stamina and Reason in exchange for increase in DOOM. Base amount of STA/REA regained and DOOM increase varies depending on Difficulty:

Skeptic/Initiate: +3 STA/REA, +2% DOOM

Cultist/Harbinger of Doom: +2 STA/REA, +3% DOOM

True Believer: +2 STA/REA, +4% DOOM

These values are further modified by Fetid Fumes status (-1 STA/REA), Broken Nose injury (-1 STA/REA), Hot Bath perk (+1 STA/REA) and whether Goizo is chosen as the Old God (extra +2% DOOM).
