World of Horror Wiki
World of Horror Wiki

This page is under construction and may be missing some information or may contain outdated information. Gameplay in World of Horror consists of three phases: Planning, Investigation, and Combat. In Endless playthroughs, the Planning phase happens only at the very start, before the player is sent straight to the Investigation phase.


Main article: Planning

The Planning phase takes place at the player's Home, where they can do things such as take a bath, choose the next Mystery to investigate, or go to the Lighthouse. Once the player chooses a mystery, the game proceeds to the Investigation phase.

The player is free to access their storage and may use items and spells in preparation before selecting a Mystery to investigate.


Main article: Investigation

During the Investigation phase, the player is either free to select a location in Shiokawa, or taken to a special Mystery-specific screen. In either case, selecting a location will investigate the area and trigger either a random Event or initiate Combat.

In Shiokawa, the player may also go to special locations such as the Shop or Schoolyard instead of investigating to do certain actions such as buying items or recruiting allies.


Main article: Combat

If Combat is initiated, the player will find themselves face to face with an enemy in the combat screen. Combat is turn-based, and the player can take multiple actions per turn, provided that the actions done don't take up the sequence bar.

There are four types of actions in combat: Offensive, Defensive, Support, and Spiritual. Each type of action has eight general slots, and two special slots for enemy-specific actions. Not all of the slots will be filled at any given time, but certain types of enemies or situations (e.g. Ghost enemies) can alter what actions are available.

See Also[]
